
Problems Downloading eBooks
Problems with downloading eBooks are usually caused by an old version of your browser, a need to clear your Cache or a slow internet connection. Unless there is a problem at our end, in which case we would be flooded with calls of people unable to download their eBooks, the problem is locally with your PC.

Please try these steps before contacting us for further help. This is important. Make sure you try these first before you contact us as we will direct you to do these first in the help process anyway.

  1. Clear the Cache in your browser. Here is a link with step by step instructions.
  2. Try to download the eBook with a different browser. The links below will allow you to download a different browser if you need one.
  3. Try downloading it on another PC with a faster internet connection
  4. Make sure your browser is the latest version. You can check for updates here –Internet Explorer – Google Chrome – Firefox – Safari.

If none of the four steps above solve the problem, please use our Help Page and state that you have tried the four steps above and include the browser and version you are using – i.e. Internet Explorer 9.0. Then describe the process from the beginning to the point where you encounter the problem and any error messages you receive.

Problems Viewing Videos
Unless there is a problem at our end, chances are it is a simple browser issue.  Make sure you have the latest version of the browser you are using.  See above for details.  Two other options to try before contacting us are to restart your computer and try it on a different computer.  If all these methods still don’t solve the problem, please use our Help Page and state that you have tried the steps above and include the browser and version you are using – i.e. Internet Explorer 9.0. Then describe the process from the beginning to the point where you encounter the problem and any error messages you receive.